Friday, 17 November 2017

Reflection wk5 term 4

This week for literacy I have been doing a animation I used google slides to do this click slowly 

This week for topic we have started to do a mini survival you know the show on tv well we have been doing that it has been so fun our groups first task was to make a hut out of driftwood for all of our team we had 9 people

Monday, 13 November 2017

Maths DLO slide

For maths this week and last week we did A maths DLO digital learning object on geometry and angles here it is

Friday, 3 November 2017

Reflection wk 3 T4

this week for chapter chat I did a Be kind poster it isn't really that great I think I could of done more

this week for maths I have been doing some stage 6 and 7 geometry this was hard but easy

Friday, 27 October 2017

Reflection Wk 2 term 3 2017

This week for literacy I have been doing some chapter chat this week for chapter chat I did a Halloween costume for august the boy in our book  he is a boy with a thing that makes his face look weird I feel bad for him anyway WALT: Make a costume or 2 Here it is 

this week for PE we have been working on striking and fielding when we have had 1 person having a bat and a cone with a ball on it and they had to try get it through the mini gates that we made and then there was a few people Fielding  the gates here are some photos

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

End Of Term Reflection T3

No No No No It's already here the end of the Term is here I want to stay in class and do work get smarter and stay with #BESTEACHEREVER that is Mr's Clark she is my favorite teacher anyway here is my end of term reflection.

Voice recorder

My proudest piece of work 
Well this isn't mine but it is me and Ry's we have been working on this for a long time and we are still working on it when ever we can yes this is Pokemon my favorite thing on earth besdide Mr's clark #BESTEACHER Anyway what we did is front page and then we started with the starters not of each region but the alola ones out of the 7 regions anyway here it is

My Goals
Voice recorder
My maths goal is 2 get better at multiplying decimals
My Reading Goal is to read good fit books and read 65 books in one term
My Writing goal is to use complex punctuation
My other goal is to sit where I can not get distracted

Here is just a Life Cycle

Here's just some more work

this week for math's I have been doing some tasks yes 3 tasks and they are done Im happy to get them done and dusted they are my last tasks for the term anyway here they are

Battle ships
For battle ships you were playing battle ships against an Robot so someone not real but like a computer anyway here is my video there is no voice

Next is my map of made up streets
for this I made a key and a compass and then started making something by the way this is a made up street and then named stuff here it is

and last of all for maths is my Pirate map on the right side it told us to do some stuff so I did that and here it is

Last of all for my blog is my word of the week
Now this is a mini one but this is all I could think of here it is

Next Term
I am hoping next term will be great and I will complete my goals get ready Term 4!!!!!

Friday, 1 September 2017

Reflection Wk 6 T3 2017

This week For Word Work the whole class had to do word of the week the word was Miscellaneous and what we had to do is make as many words as we can out of the one word Miscellaneous So here it is 

This week for maths I have been doing some maths word questions I Have not finished this yet because it is pretty long Here is what we had to do First read through the info and then just start using maths skills to work it out and Show your working out Here it is.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Week 4 Reflection Term 3 2017

This week for Chapter Chat we have been doing a Usain bolt research yes we Me Ry and Trent This was a fun thing to do because I love to research things WALT: To research Usain Bolt and put your info into a poster. Well.. we did it in a google slide using google drive go check it out. Here it is 

Math's week
This week it has been math's week I loved math's week Because we got to do a westamaths challenge which was when we had teams and then we had to do math's problems and then run them up to the judge and then get them checked. We also did a Numberthon which was when we got a math's sheet and then we had to fill it out and see how many you got. I have loved math's week I hope you get a chance to do it

Friday, 11 August 2017

Week 3 Reflection T3 2017


For Literacy I completed a Britten Inference on Peter Blake. I liked doing this because I got to put my knowledge about him together and then put it in a drawing using google drive. anyway My WALT: is List 5 things that you have inferred from the text - these are things that the text hasn’t directly told you but things that you have assumed or think may have occurred from what you have read. Any way here. it is


This week for maths I have been doing some Fractions Here is a small paragraph about it

What I had to do for this is I had to write all the answers down on a piece of paper which we got from Mrs Clark on monday I have loved doing this I don't know if I got them all right. Here it is

Friday, 4 August 2017

Week 2 reflection T3 2017

Chapter Chat 
This week for chapter chat I have been doing 2 things one was a quiz about our book what I had to do for this is use kahoot but I decided not to because I don't have an account If you want to play it it is below my for this is WALT: To have fun making this quiz and make sure the questions are both real Here is the next thing I did Was Try and run 100m in 9.58 seconds and we failed and yes I mean we Me Rowan and Reuben Here is our WALT: To run 100 Meters in 9.58 seconds record our time to see if we can do it Well here they both are below

WALT: To run 100 Meters in 9.58 seconds record our time to see if we can do it

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Run 4

Run 5

Run 6

Run 7

By Alex and Rowan and Reuben

How long is a meter: 100 Centimeter

Timer: Alex and Rowan
Score writer Rowan and Alex
Runner: Reuben

Reading Follow up
This week for my reading follow up I have been doing a thing called  Inference Practice - where am I? What we had to do is we had some sentences that described a place we had to guess the place and write why we think it is that place I think that I did not to up to my best standards Here it is

 this week for maths I have started working on Capacity - Top This is a google slide that has a whole lot of maths in it and we have to try and work it out I have not finished it but I have started I think is is a fun thing to do and It will help me with my capacity maths here it is

Friday, 28 July 2017

Week1 Reflection Term 3 2017

Role Model Research
This week For Topic I have been doing research On a Role model my Role Model is Peter James blakes WALT: To Research your Role model and put detail onto a google slide using Google Drive. Here it is 


Team Flag
This week for Chapter chat we have been reading a book called ghost and I have been making a Here they

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Goals For term 3 2017

Kia Ora My name is Alex and Today I will be showing you my Goals for term 3

Here they are

Click the Link for the video

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Week 10 Reflection T2

Kia Ora Bloggers Family Friends and just you know other people that are Viewing this thank you for Looking at my blog and it is nearly the last day of the term and I am so happy For the holidays.

What I am happy of this term
Making new Friends
Getting new hobbies
Getting better at maths
Doing the Production

Mrs Clark
The only reason I have done this all is because Of Mrs Clark She has taught me she has helped me do anything at school except for play at lunch times she is the Best Teacher I will Always have

Have A Great Holiday 
From Alex :D

Friday, 30 June 2017

Wk 9 Reflection term 2

Kia Ora My blogging buddies family and world I have had a great week of learning and fun... On thursday We had a really cool day well some of us did for production yes I have been doing Production and yesterday  we had our first Show in front of lots and lots of people. Here is a poem

The sound of a fizzy bottle opening 
Screech scratch as a wrapper opens
POP as the fizzy spills
SCREAM as the microphone screech's
Hope you enjoyed this short poem 

this week for Literacy I have been doing some free writing about ghosts with My buddy ROWAN!!! this is still work in Progress but it will be finished soon Here is what we did. First found a buddy second find a topic third make a google slide using google drive fourth make a title page fith star writing more info last but not least make it pretty. Here it is  

Friday, 23 June 2017

Wk 8 Reflection 2017

This week for Writing I have been doing my speech planning and I am so happy it is time for speeches I am doing my speech on my dog milo here is my planning

My topics: Aim for 10 ideas
Catchy opening (Personal story / Powerful statement / Thought provoking question
My Dog Milo
Kia Ora Welcome to my fury Speech My choice
My cat Smokey
The smoke has arrived ready to listen
My cat Turbo
Speed is key to listening
My 9 fish
Something or someone smells a bit fishy
Family History
Get ready for the Family History
1 day of my life
Get ready to swap bodies

For maths this week I have been doing another video of maths with Ry here it is


Friday, 16 June 2017

Reflection Wk 7 Term 2

This week for writing I did some free writing I did this on my fav things and I loved this it was so fun Here is what I did Made a google slide using google drive And then just started putting my fav stuff in it Here it is

Maths this week for maths I have been doing 2 by 2 didgits I did this with Ry So this was really fun and also pretty easy I think I would do this again it was cool Here it is

Friday, 9 June 2017

Reflection W6 2017 T2

This week for Literacy I have been doing my Free Writing I did this with Kristian because we did a Pokemon Research I loved this piece of work because I love Pokemon here is what we did Got a name for a Pokemon researched it and then presented it. Here it is
(What Pokemon is )

This week for maths I did a Problem solving with Nicky this was kinda hard and kinda easy I liked it anyway Here is what we did. First find a buddy next make a copy (Smurf it) then just start working on it here it is

KOS (Keeping ourselfs safe)
This week for KOS (Keeping ourselfs safe) We have been doing what we learnt from when Constable Jos came in he is a cop and he talked to us about all the abuses and how you can fix them Here is what I did.
First Made a drawing second started working and then made it look pretty. Here it is

Friday, 2 June 2017

Reflection W5 T2

Chapter chat
This week For Chapter chat I have been doing an Inland Taipan slide with Rowan Finn Ry and Noah This was fun and a little hard. Steps 1st step Make a google slide using google drive 2nd step find some info
Last step present it

This week for maths I have been doing a Problem solving task With Jamie and zaheer this was fun and pretty easy we got a lot of the answers wrong here it is.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Reflection W4 T2

This week for Chapter Chat I have been doing Japan Research With Trent And Ry We loved this piece of work we had over 15 slides about Japan maybe even more What we did. First step Make the slide. Next step Get a slide about the Japan Flag. last step research and put the work in. Here it is

This week for Literacy I have been doing a Survival kit For our book Called Survival Here are he steps. First. Make a DLO (Digital Learning Object)  Then make a list of stuff you need then lastly you have to add
The Images.Here it is

Maths this week for maths I have Done a video on my maths I did 2 parts. NSL To do a lot more questions. This was a fun But kinda Hard. WALT: To make a video or videos for adding a subtracting decimals.
Part 1
Part 2

Friday, 19 May 2017

T2 Wk3 2017 Reflection

This week for Literacy I have been doing a map of some mines in NZ and I loved this it was so fun I worked with Trent Ry and Nicky. Here it is

This week for maths I have been doing a recording of some Decimals and I loved this I did this with Trent and Ry It was so fun here it is 

Friday, 12 May 2017

Reflection Wk2 T2

Kia Ora, Bloggers, Viewers and all the other kind of you out there viewing my blog Thank you for viewing this post

BOOK!!! Week
Book week has been so fun free books PJ party Book Character day So fun fun fun... You will hear about all of these in this post Except for the PJ party I did not go.

This week for Literacy I have been doing a Synonym Diamante poem. WALT: To write a synonym diamante poem. I did mine On scooby doo because I just like him here it is

Book Character day
Hello My name is Alex And I was Dracula for book Character day and I had teeth gloves and an outfit I have had the best day here I am

Friday, 5 May 2017

Wk1 T2 Welcome back Reflection

WELCOME BACK!!! To term 2 2017 We have a great year of blogging ahead of us and learning So get ready anyway here is my learning for this week.
This week for Writing I have been doing an Anzac diamante poem. I think it is a really cool Idea because least we forget the soldiers that died in war and we wont forget here the poem is.


This week for Math's me and Trent made a google slide of what we learn't with Miss Gibbons and we learnt a lot of stuff around decimals I thought this was a really fun thing to do. Next time I think I could do a bit more. WALT: To go back to our work we did with miss Gibbons and then present it in some way. Here it is 

Chapter Chat

This week for Chapter chat I have been doing a teacher interview on a teacher but I worked with a partner and that is TRENT! and he helped me so much. Here is what we did. First We had to write a script of all the questions then check with Mr's Clark after that we went and found the teacher we wanted to do and we Chose Mr's O Sullivan and then come back to class with all the answers and present it. Next Time I think we could have the real Teacher to answer the questions on Camera. Here it is 

Thursday, 13 April 2017

End of term reflection T1 2017

The end of term is now near today is the last day of school!!!! Soon we will have 2 weeks of holidays YAY! 
One of my goals for the holidays is to do at least 6 main stars  I think that would be a little bit easy but hard.

Goals For Term 2 
To be able to add division really easily   
To Get a Restricted Licence 
To be a really fast typer without look at my keyboard 

More about my goals

Goal 1 Is pretty hard because I need to learn it but I think I might learn it quick
Goal 2 A restricted licence is something that we have in Mamaku and we have a restricted and a full licence and they mean you have word hard you are a great learner and you can work in other places of the school.
Goal 3 To practice typing skill's on the mamaku site and be able to not look at the keyboard when typing

My work I'm most proud of my baby dragon story we had 2 prompts one was  start the story with PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!! or the other one was make a story about a baby dragon. After some thinking I thought I would do both so I did here is my Finished product (It's long)

Put your hands up!!!
For the Dragon arena 1st battle ever! we have the trainers bobby and Jeff. Bobby has a fire dragon that is 8 years old and the dragon has a ultimate stone on it's neck wonder what will happen… Well then now Jeff’s dragon is a 2 year old nature dragon that has no stones or anything. Now! The Trainers will battle for the first ever badge the… BOOM! CRASH! BANG! As something get’s dropped out of a plane a parachute opens the box slowly hit’s the ground and opens smoke goes all around the arena then a badge shines bright in the starry sun. Jeff whispers to himself I need to win this.
The Battle starts in
3. 2. 1. START!!

Nature Dragon use razor leaf
Fire dragon lost 60 health
Fire dragon use Flame breath
Nature dragon lost 100 Health
Critical hit!
Nature dragon use vine whip
Fire dragon lost 80 health
Fire dragon fainted

YAY I WON Says jeff
The light shines down the sky turns dark a smoke bomb appears out of nowhere you can’t see you grab the badge and run… you trip over a vine oh no the kidnappers have trip you a cage falls on your head you are trapped you see the kidnappers running towards you with a can and some other people they knock out the people and spray them with the can of green spray they turn all white and start to look like a clown you send  out Nature dragon
Nature dragon use dig a horn on Nature dragon appears it spins and then the ground starts breaking when nature dragon drills the ground you jump in the hole and then nature dragon digs out the top Return nature dragon. You continue running you still have the badge in your pocket you open the gates and run you get home and your parents are missing you hear a noise… ROAR! A black dragon swoops breaks your roof and then grabs you you drop the badge the dragon takes you to a black bricked rusty looking castle. The dragon drops you… you fall and get knocked out when you hit the ground… you wake up later your head is sore you see nature dragon is gone NOOOOOOO!!!!...
You Faint you wake up later and you hear the dark black scaled dragon ROAR! ROAR! ROAR! You hear dragons fighting then you see something when you look through the thick stained glass. You see nature dragon the nature dragon has evolved you see razor leafs break the window. You escape… You jump Nature dragon fly’s over to you and grabs you by the shoulder flicks you on the back of the dark scaled dragon and then you stab a razor sharp leaf knife into the dark scaled dragon and it falls and you get caught by nature dragon and the dark scaled dragon takes the tower you were stuck in with it and now it is dead. You and Nature dragon continue flying through the misty foggy skies. You hear something you stop… JEFF! JEFF! WHERE ARE YOU I'M COMING FOR YOU. Oh no Bobby is coming for me. You are so focused on Bobby you fall of nature dragon and hit the ground you fall into a sewer pipe and get knocked out. 1 hour later… You hear a dragon getting caught you look up it’s nature dragon you see a harpoon hit nature dragon you yell NO! DON'T HURT NATURE DRAGON a yellow door opens you run through it and it takes you back in time…
The Arena
For the first Battle ever we have the trainers bobby and Jeff… Bobby Uses a bomb and blows up the arena. But then… you think This wasn't what happened last time… you fall asleep it was a sleep bomb.
You are now asleep for ever…
Jeff Fainted…
The end D:
Image result for Green baby dragon

I hope you have a great Holiday and a great come back to Term 2 2017!!!!

Friday, 7 April 2017

Typing Reflection Wk 10 T1

This week for typing I have been playing a game like the walking dead the game is when you have a baseball cannon and 2 logs and you have to use power ups and destroy all the zombies. I rate this game a 4.2 because sometimes it glitches. here my scores are.

Reflection Wk 10 T1 2017

Math's this week for maths I have been doing ordering decimals but... I did this with my freind KRISTIAN! and we aced this it was hard at some points but easy at others. I rated this 4.6 because it was a bit easy and a bit hard. WALT: to order the problems we got set from smallest to largest. Here it is (It's a video)  NSL (Next Step Learning) To say Decimal dudes right and maybe do it by myself

this week for Literacy I have been doing a free writing story we had 2 prompts 1 of them is a story about a baby dragon the other is start the story with PUT YOUR HANDS UP! So I thought and did both so here the story is 
Put your hands up!!!
For the Dragon arena 1st battle ever! we have the trainers bobby and Jeff. Bobby has a fire dragon that is 8 years old and the dragon has a ultimate stone on it's neck wonder what will happen… Well then now Jeff’s dragon is a 2 year old nature dragon that has no stones or anything. Now! The Trainers will battle for the first ever badge the… BOOM! CRASH! BANG! As something get’s dropped out of a plane a parachute opens the box slowly hit’s the ground and opens smoke goes all around the arena then a badge shines bright in the starry sun. Jeff whispers to himself I need to win this.
The Battle starts in
3. 2. 1. START!!

Nature Dragon use razor leaf
Fire dragon lost 60 health
Fire dragon use Flame breath
Nature dragon lost 100 Health
Critical hit!
Nature dragon use vine whip
Fire dragon lost 80 health
Fire dragon fainted

YAY I WON Says jeff
The light shines down the sky turns dark a smoke bomb appears out of nowhere you can’t see you grab the badge and run… you trip over a vine oh no the kidnappers have trip you a cage falls on your head you are trapped you see the kidnappers running towards you with a can and some other people they knock out the people and spray them with the can of green spray they turn all white and start to look like a clown you send  out Nature dragon
Nature dragon use dig a horn on Nature dragon appears it spins and then the ground starts breaking when nature dragon drills the ground you jump in the hole and then nature dragon digs out the top Return nature dragon. You continue running you still have the badge in your pocket you open the gates and run you get home and your parents are missing you hear a noise… ROAR! A black dragon swoops breaks your roof and then grabs you you drop the badge the dragon takes you to a black bricked rusty looking castle. The dragon drops you… you fall and get knocked out when you hit the ground… you wake up later your head is sore you see nature dragon is gone NOOOOOOO!!!!...
You Faint you wake up later and you hear the dark black scaled dragon ROAR! ROAR! ROAR! You hear dragons fighting then you see something when you look through the thick stained glass. You see nature dragon the nature dragon has evolved you see razor leafs break the window. You escape...

Friday, 31 March 2017

Reflection Wk9 2017 T1

This week for my follow up from reading is to research some Maori words and tell the teachers what they mean this was a little bit hard but it was really fun. WALT: to use the Maori dictionary and find out the meaning of all the words that got set. 1 more thing Kai means food Here it is. NSL To make sure I do Kai right

Typing Reflection
This week for typing I have been playing monkey climber 2 it is a game when you have to type letters to get higher but if you type the wrong letter you will have to start again. Trust me I hate it when it happens. here it is.

Math's Reflection 
I have been doing a quiz it was hard but I did it with Trent and we got 10 out of 10! it was so cool all that maths work paid off. Here is what we did. We went to a site that the teacher gave us then we got a buddy (Trent was mine) after that we did the quiz and finally we put our results in a google drawing. Here it is. NSL (Next step learning) to try and get to the highest level in the game. NSL To get a harder quiz and get all the questions right.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Weekly Reflection Wk8 T1 2017

This week for Literacy I have been doing a poem about our book holes and it is about Stanley which is the main person of the book. In this I had to make a poem that has images and words of our book and I enjoyed this because I did this with my freind Rowan and he helped me a lot. My NSL (next step learning)  is to use a bit more detail in the poem. I did the poem on a google slide in my google drive. Here it is

This week for Topic I have been doing an argument about which kind of mining is better modern or 1900's I thought that modern was better because there is machines and a lot more coal comes out of the mine but there is a bad thing about modern mining if one of the machines break down the part of the mine get's closes down until the machine get's fixed. I have done this on a google slide. My next step learning is to add some images or write a bit more detail. Here it is

Typing Reflection Wk8 T1

This week for typing I have been playing ninja cat which is a typing game when you explore and type letters to destroy the evil Dinosaurs and if you get to much health taken away you will die and have to restart the level I rate the game a 4.5 because it is really fun and you have to type fast and I am a good typer

Friday, 17 March 2017

Wesport Camp 2017 Reflection

This week on Monday we went on camp to Wesport it was so fun.
Day 1 First we arrived at school and went to the tech centre and waited for a bit until roll call after roll call we got all of our gear into the cars and hopped in the car and started driving. We went through Charleston and then we went to Mitchell's Gully and had morning tea and then we went through some caves and for a walk. We also went to the Nile River but I did not swim there. This was only a sneak peak.

Bunk room Buddies
Simon, Martin and Jamie

Car Group
Chrissy (Adult) Makaia and Zaheer

Activity Group
Makaia, Zaheer, Chrissy (Adult) and Gage

Camp was fun I hope you get to go to Wesport some time soon
Tell me if you have or if you are going to :D