Friday, 27 May 2016

Wk 4 reflection

READING This week for maths we have been doing some inferring like a weather one when it will be 45 degrees today and we had a few things we needed to answer. Our WALT: was to explain the meaning of events it was easy but fun it took about 10 minutes here is an example  

WRITING for writing we were writing a article about Charlotte's web here is our WALT: we are learning to use who what when why it was hard but fun i loved it here is my cool one

Early in the cold frosty morning at Mr Zuckerman's(owner of the farm) barn Lurvey( the farm helper) went to feed the pigs and when he was Wilbur (the pig) and Lurvey seen
A web in the corner of the door and seen a word on the web and it said some pig “I wonder what that means I better go get Mr Zuckerman”. Mr Zuckerman and Lurvy came running into the barn and Lurvey said “there up there can you see it some pig” “yes I see it” said Mr Zuckerman “what does this mean” said  Mr Zuckerman and they kept repeating for a few hours and then Mr Zuckerman said “we don't have a normal pig we have a mystery pig we better report this” “but first let's go to bed” said Lurvy “ok” said Mr Zuckerman

For numeracy we did a screencastify of what we have learnt. Our WALT:is to get some problems and screencastfiy them it was so cool it was a little bit hard next time i will add more detail because i didn't  use much but it was still super fun


LITERACY  for literacy i did a cool game that you had to make lots of words and it was so cool WALT: to make words without filling the screen up with blocks here is a link to the game letter game

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