Friday, 18 August 2017

Week 4 Reflection Term 3 2017

This week for Chapter Chat we have been doing a Usain bolt research yes we Me Ry and Trent This was a fun thing to do because I love to research things WALT: To research Usain Bolt and put your info into a poster. Well.. we did it in a google slide using google drive go check it out. Here it is 

Math's week
This week it has been math's week I loved math's week Because we got to do a westamaths challenge which was when we had teams and then we had to do math's problems and then run them up to the judge and then get them checked. We also did a Numberthon which was when we got a math's sheet and then we had to fill it out and see how many you got. I have loved math's week I hope you get a chance to do it

Friday, 11 August 2017

Week 3 Reflection T3 2017


For Literacy I completed a Britten Inference on Peter Blake. I liked doing this because I got to put my knowledge about him together and then put it in a drawing using google drive. anyway My WALT: is List 5 things that you have inferred from the text - these are things that the text hasn’t directly told you but things that you have assumed or think may have occurred from what you have read. Any way here. it is


This week for maths I have been doing some Fractions Here is a small paragraph about it

What I had to do for this is I had to write all the answers down on a piece of paper which we got from Mrs Clark on monday I have loved doing this I don't know if I got them all right. Here it is

Friday, 4 August 2017

Week 2 reflection T3 2017

Chapter Chat 
This week for chapter chat I have been doing 2 things one was a quiz about our book what I had to do for this is use kahoot but I decided not to because I don't have an account If you want to play it it is below my for this is WALT: To have fun making this quiz and make sure the questions are both real Here is the next thing I did Was Try and run 100m in 9.58 seconds and we failed and yes I mean we Me Rowan and Reuben Here is our WALT: To run 100 Meters in 9.58 seconds record our time to see if we can do it Well here they both are below

WALT: To run 100 Meters in 9.58 seconds record our time to see if we can do it

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Run 4

Run 5

Run 6

Run 7

By Alex and Rowan and Reuben

How long is a meter: 100 Centimeter

Timer: Alex and Rowan
Score writer Rowan and Alex
Runner: Reuben

Reading Follow up
This week for my reading follow up I have been doing a thing called  Inference Practice - where am I? What we had to do is we had some sentences that described a place we had to guess the place and write why we think it is that place I think that I did not to up to my best standards Here it is

 this week for maths I have started working on Capacity - Top This is a google slide that has a whole lot of maths in it and we have to try and work it out I have not finished it but I have started I think is is a fun thing to do and It will help me with my capacity maths here it is