Friday, 28 October 2016

Typing and kiwi kids quiz

This week for typing I have been doing a test. My accuracy was 90% and my wpm (words per minute) was 31. I have done better than last time. Here is my results.

Kiwi kids quiz
This week for kiwi kids quiz I got 100%. I think I have done a great job. The questions were hard 
here is the link to kiwi kids news

Topic reflection T4 Wk3

This week for topic we have been doing some water safety activities and I did the environment task. So here is what the environment task is: It is when you choose a place like I chose a beach and then you have to explain how you could keep safe around that place. Here is my DLO.

Math's reflection Wk3 T4

This week for maths we have been doing position and orientation. My buddies for this were Ella & Kaede. This week we finished our position and orientation so this is what I did.  First we got our buddies then we made a slide. After we made a slide we made a compass with 16 points. After that we started doing the work and here is my one.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Typing and kiwi kids quiz T4 W2

This week for typing we have done a typing speed test. I got 86% Accuracy and I am a two finger typist.

Kiwi kids quiz 
This week for the kiwi kids news quiz  I got 100% here it is

Maths Reflection T4 W2

This week for maths we did position and orientation. In this we had buddies, mine were Ella and Kaede. Here is what I did. So first we got our buddies then we had to make a compass with 16 points. The compass was very hard because I didn't know the 16 points. I think that we have done great. Here is my one.

Writing T4 W2

This week for writing we did explanations on a special place for our family. I think I have done great at this. Next time I need to make it with lots of punctuation. So here is what I did. First we had to think of a place, mine was Greymouth because I have lived here for my whole life. Then we had to write about it and here is some of mine.

My family love Greymouth because me and my brother were born here and my mum and dad loved that so much that’s why they think it is a special place. My grandma and granddad live here and also my other grandpa died here so this  why Greymouth is special to me and my family.

Reading Reflection T4 W2

This week for Reading we did a padlet for our learning. The padlet was about what do you do when you find a new word? So here is what we did. You had to write down what to do with the new word that you come across to work out what it means. Here is mine. 

Friday, 14 October 2016

Kiwi kids news and typing speed test

Typing speed test 
This week for typing for my speed I got 29 wpm (29 Words per minute) and for accuracy 86% for my rank I got Two finger typist. I think I have done a great job.

Kiwi kids news quiz
This week for kiwi kids news I did the quiz and got 100% It was really hard because it took me a long time to figure it out here is my result 

Word work Wk1 T4

Spelling words 
Still, Upon, Traffic, Witch, Across, Uncle, Swimming, Music, Silver, Current, Sandwich, Paddock, Computer, Woman and Women 

This week for word work I have done some riddles. Each of the riddles had to have a spelling word in it. Here are mine. Comment below what you think they are. 
1. I have green skin. I ride a broom. I have an evil laugh. What am I?

     2.I have keys. I have a screen. I can be all colors and you can download stuff on me. What am I?
3. I am tasty. I have butter in me. I have fillings. There are different kinds of me. What am I?

      4. I am a song. I can be made by lots of things. I am a note. What am ?

      5. I am old. I am a boy. I have white hair. What am I?

      6. I'm shiny. I can't move. I can be a car color. What am I?

Writing reflection Wk1 T4

This week for writing we have been doing an explanation on how something works I chose to do how can we survive in the wild. Here is my W.A.L.T to use information that I knew about my topic and write an explanation. I also made a list about 10 things you will need here it is 
Here are 10 things you will need to survive
3.A weapon
6.A source of water
7.A place that is not super close to the water
8.A safe place that animals can not hurt you in
9.A source of food
Here is my explanation.
This is how it works
You try to find some food and water then you find a safe place to live not by the water (You shouldn't go live very close to the water because it will crash into your hut and then you will have no place to live) then you make the hut in the safe place and you see it turns night you have some food and water and then you go to bed on your floor

Math's reflection Wk1 T4

This week for maths we have been doing some position and orientation learning. We got put into a group of 2 or 3. I was in a group of 3. I was with Ella & Kaede. The piece of work we did was kitchen floor. I thought kitchen floor was hard because you had to make a weird pattern with shapes. Here is mine.