Thursday, 7 July 2016

End of term 2 Reflection

the new improved mamaku hub!
this week we have been waiting to get into the new improved hub and on Thursday our dreams came true and we are now in the new hub we have got some awesome soft bean bags some white board tables a jelly bean table some nice cool carpet and now we have got some awesome teachers we so happy and we are going to respect the new class we have run over some stuff we need to keep doing 

this term we have been doing some PrEP for PrEP I was in room 6 and that was some fun stuff I made these frogs they had a marble and a fly was attached to it and the frogs could eat it 

this term I have had 2 goals but then near the end of the term I changed group it was a bit hard to get a new topic to be working on but I  have done OK 

this term I have been doing some vocab and i have made it through A lot I have stayed in the same group the whole term and I like it but I still need to work on stuff

this week for maths I have been doing lots of maths but I still need to work on it because I need lots of help for it so I will have to work on it next term

this week I have done my final typing speed test for the term but I am ready for typing next term I have been practicing for 2 terms bring the typing on

this week i have decided some goals i am going to work on here they are 
- Reading to find the literacy elements and solve the problem
- Writing to use good vocab 
-maths to use mult and div to solve the problem 
- Typing to beat miss panthers high score 
- Art to use pastels and blend the colors 
- Behavior to sit quiet on the mat and not get distracted 
- Other stuff to use my Chromebook wisely 

next term
wow the term is finished I am ready for next term I can handle the learning and I am excited this is going to be so fun bring the term on